Become a member? What for?

Once you are a member, you will:
       * receive our new members' pack, which contains information about what we do and advice on how to work independently or in publishing, avoid payment pitfalls and properly kick-start your new career;

     * benefit from the job offers that we receive from companies and clients looking for interpreters and in-house or freelance translators;

     * have the opportunity to be mentored by a current member, who will share their experience with you and help you embark on your career;

     * be listed in our directory, which contains the personal contact details of all our members (around 800 to date). The directory can be consulted directly on our website and is constantly updated;

     * receive our quarterly newsletter. Each edition contains: a section focusing on a particular theme, up-to-date information on the translation and interpretation industry, news from the association and practical tips to help you in your professional career;

     * have access to the members-only area de l'association.

 Si vous voulez faire connaissance avec nous avant de vous engager, nous nous réunissons pour un apéritif à l'ambiance détendue environ une fois par mois. Rendez-vous sur notre page Facebook et dans la rubrique Agenda du site pour connaître la date du prochain apéro. Vous pouvez y venir librement, pour retrouver d'autres anciens et discuter autour d'un verre. Nous serons très heureux de vous y accueillir.