The association
Who are we?
AAE-ESIT is a not-for-profit association made up of around 800 professional translators and interpreters who work in more than 40 different language combinations, including French Sign Language (LSF).
All members hold a Master’s degree from the Graduate School for Translation and Interpretation (ESIT – École Supérieure d’Interprètes et de Traducteurs), part of the New Sorbonne University (Paris 3). The ESIT is world-renowned for its high-quality education.
AAE-ESIT unites both in-house and freelance translators and interpreters, and helps employers and clients get in touch with its members at no cost.
With its quarterly newsletter, online directory, forum and the various events it organises, AAE-ESIT is a space where ESIT graduates, companies and other interpretation and translation professionals can communicate and exchange ideas.
Alongside other professional associations, AAE-ESIT creates a space for discussion on translation and interpretation as professions and on their standing among the broader public.
Click here to find out more about our language combinations and specialisations, certified translators, the types of documents we can translate and the interpretation services we offer.
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