As you all know, every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm we have an informal soirée centred around one of our many subjects at the museum and the next one will be inEnglish on the 20th June
As our seating capacity is limited, please give us a call or email as below to reserve.
Comme vous êtes nombreux à le savoir, tous les troisièmes jeudis de chaque mois à 19h30 nous organisons une soirée autour d'un thème se rapportant au vaste monde des langues.
Rendez-vous jeudi 20 juin à 19h30 au musée Mundolingua, 10 rue Servandoni, 75006 Paris.
Le nombre de places étant limité, n'hésitez pas à réserver :
Translators without Borders IN ENGLISH Why does language matter? Lori Thicke, the founder of the world’s largest humanitarian association devoted to languages, Translators without Borders, will talk about why language is a critical issue in international aid. A Canadian who has lived in France since 1986, she is also the founder of a Paris-based translation company, Lexcelera, and a passionate advocate for language. Before she founded Translators without Borders, Lori and her Lexcelera partner, Ros Smith-Thomas, set up Traducteurs sans Frontières to support humanitarian organizations in France. Following the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, Lori decided to create Translators without Borders as a US-based non-profit in order to better respond to global crises. She was the first president of the newly-formed organization. After visiting East Africa, Lori added access to knowledge to the mission. Lori, who holds an MFA from the University of British Columbia, is a frequent speaker on how translation and technology work together to take down language barriers.
Nouveau Projet / New Project
S'inspirant du petit livre Lost in Translation d'Ella Frances Sanders (dont on vient d'acquérir les versions espagnole et française), nous voulons faire nous-mêmes un petit cahier illustré Mundolingua : Comment naître stupide en beaucoup de langues, vu que ce sujet semble générer une collection de termes extrêmement riches. Envoyez-nous vos exemples préférés, dans diverses langues, et nous les soumettrons ensuite à nos illustrateurs, qu'il ne faut pas oublier en les choisissant. Exemple classique "avoir une araignée au plafond". Toute suggestion est bienvenue (sans garantir que nous l'utiliserons évidemment) et un grand merci par avance.
Following in the footsteps of Lost in Translation by Ella Frances Sanders (of which we have just acquired the French and Spanish versions) we would like to make a Mundolingua illustrated booklet : Born stupid, in many languages, given that this subject seems to have insprired such a rich collection of terms. Please feel free to contribute your favourite examples, in as many languages as possible, which we will then submit to our illustrators. Bear that in mind when chosing. For example " not the sharpest knife in the drawer".
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Les troisièmes jeudis du mois jeudi 20 juin chez Mundolingua - 10 rue Servandoni 75006 Paris
As you all know, every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm we have an informal soirée centred around one of our many subjects at the museum and the next one will be inEnglish on the 20th JuneAs our seating capacity is limited, please give us a call or email as below to reserve.Comme vous êtes nombreux à le savoir, tous les troisièmes jeudis de chaque mois à 19h30 nous organisons une soirée autour d'un thème se rapportant au vaste monde des langues.Rendez-vous jeudi 20 juin à 19h30 au musée Mundolingua, 10 rue Servandoni, 75006 Paris.Le nombre de places étant limité, n'hésitez pas à réserver :soit par téléphone au : 01 56 81 65 79soit par mail : contact@mundolingua.orgTarif : 5 €/personne (entrée + apéro). A très bientôt, l'équipe de Mundolingua.Translators without BordersIN ENGLISHWhy does language matter? Lori Thicke, the founder of the world’s largest humanitarian association devoted to languages, Translators without Borders, will talk about why language is a critical issue in international aid. A Canadian who has lived in France since 1986, she is also the founder of a Paris-based translation company, Lexcelera, and a passionate advocate for language. Before she founded Translators without Borders, Lori and her Lexcelera partner, Ros Smith-Thomas, set up Traducteurs sans Frontières to support humanitarian organizations in France. Following the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, Lori decided to create Translators without Borders as a US-based non-profit in order to better respond to global crises. She was the first president of the newly-formed organization. After visiting East Africa, Lori added access to knowledge to the mission. Lori, who holds an MFA from the University of British Columbia, is a frequent speaker on how translation and technology work together to take down language barriers.Nouveau Projet / New ProjectS'inspirant du petit livre Lost in Translation d'Ella Frances Sanders (dont on vient d'acquérir les versions espagnole et française), nous voulons faire nous-mêmes un petit cahier illustré Mundolingua : Comment naître stupide en beaucoup de langues, vu que ce sujet semble générer une collection de termes extrêmement riches. Envoyez-nous vos exemples préférés, dans diverses langues, et nous les soumettrons ensuite à nos illustrateurs, qu'il ne faut pas oublier en les choisissant. Exemple classique "avoir une araignée au plafond".Toute suggestion est bienvenue (sans garantir que nous l'utiliserons évidemment) et un grand merci par avance.Following in the footsteps of Lost in Translation by Ella Frances Sanders (of which we have just acquired the French and Spanish versions) we would like to make a Mundolingua illustrated booklet : Born stupid, in many languages, given that this subject seems to have insprired such a rich collection of terms. Please feel free to contribute your favourite examples, in as many languages as possible, which we will then submit to our illustrators. Bear that in mind when chosing. For example " not the sharpest knife in the drawer".