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Free webinar organized by FITEurope 02/10/2020




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FITEurope is organising a free webinar on the topic of Remote SimultaneousInterpreting (RSI). All welcome!

Title:Does this sound right? Understanding the acoustics and health implications of RSI

Speakers: Andrea Caniato and Cristian Guiducci

Organisers: Wanda Ruiz-Brunelot,Gabriella Suzanne Vanzan 

Date:Friday, 2 October 2020, 18.30 h - 19.30 h CEST


The workshop aims to outline the main differences between RSI platform sound and regular conference sound and to provide an overview of the way typical RSI platform sound interacts with the interpreter's hearing, potentially causing hearing problems and adverse reactions.

Less hazardous and non-hazardous setups will also be discussed.

Topics relating to acoustics, psychoacoustics, hearing physiology, digital sound chain management, digital audio, and artificial intelligence will be discussed in an easy-to-understand way.

Andrea Caniato- voice researcher and certified Applied Physiology of the Voice trainer, AIIC, EU-accredited conference interpreter, public speaker.

Cristian Guiducci- visually impaired, EU-accredited conference interpreter with a solid IT knowledge and sound engineering background.

The webinar will be in English.

Our thanks to our Irish colleagues attheITIA for the use of their zoom account for this webinar.


Should you have any queries, please contact us at:

Dr Annette Schiller
M: +353 86 8559988 +353 1 621 0041


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